A member asked:

I snore. lot. ?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Get it checked out!: Seek medical help to determine to cause of your snoring. Typically a collapse airway is involved and today, a simple overnight take home sleep test can provide all the information needed to determine if a potentially life threatening, life shortening condition of obstructive sleep apnea may be at play. Do it, it may save your life!

Answered 3/21/2015



Sir Snore a lot: I do as well. You may have obstructive airway condition called apnea. You may also have some other health problems contributing. When was your last checkup? Sounds like you need to go and address this. It could be a sign of something more serious. You don't want to let it go. Go get it checked out please.

Answered 4/7/2014



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A member asked:

Im snoring a lot at sleep what should I do doc? Nd thank u a lot.

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