A member asked:

How long does it take for hiatal hernias to become serious? do any particular symptoms show when this happens?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

May take decades: Many hiatal hernias are a symptomatic. Most commonly they become associated with symptoms of acid reflux disease. Indications for operation are related to acid reflux and loss of medical control of the disease. Asymptomatic hiatal hernias do not require any form of surgery or repair. If the acid reflux causes esophageal injury then surgical repair would be warranted.

Answered 2/21/2016


Dr. Gregg Nishi answered

Specializes in Bariatrics

Hiatal hernia: Hiatal hernias do not go away with time. They either stay the same in size or get larger. You only need surgery if you have gerd/ heartburn that isn't controlled with medication. Also, if you have barrett's esophagus, that is an indication for surgery as well since that is a precancerous condition.

Answered 2/11/2016



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