A member asked:

My mother suffers from constipation. she can 't defecate w/o a laxative. she tried fiber, mucilax, and stool softeners but to no avail.?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Olaf Johansen answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Needs work w/u: Severe and significant constipation can have many etiologies from anatomical obstruction, to colonic inertia, to lack of pelvic relaxation to metabolic abnormalities, if severe and not responding to usual measures of fiber, fluids and exercise see a colon and rectal surgeon.

Answered 2/18/2015



See below.: Needs evaluation by her primary care doc to make sure there is no underlying anatomic or physiologic defect. The whole key to constipation is prevention and consistency. Not, as i often see, a continual juggling of meds with last minute enemas for relief. She may require a daily combination of several agents at small or moderate dose in order to stay regular and comfortable.

Answered 6/26/2017



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