A member asked:

Is it really important to have a healthy breakfast every morning?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. William Cromwell answered

Specializes in Clinical Lipidology

Generally It Is: Healthy eating patterns include what we eat, to how much we eat, and how calories are spread out during the day. It is best to space calories out to avoid over eating (especially late in the day). Having a heavier (higher calorie) meal early in the day means lighter (fewer calories) noon and evening meals. Avoid heavier meals at night. Also, light healthy snacks between meals are recommended.

Answered 10/23/2017



Breakfast important.: when you awaken from the "overnight fast", your carbohydrate stores in the body are pretty empty - liver, muscle - and need replenishment. Furthermore, those who eat breakfast every day maintain healthier body weights compared to those who don't.

Answered 11/28/2014



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