Posssibly: You need a chest xray or ct and a complete otolaryngology exam including laryngoscopy to evaluate your voice box. If still negative, an esophagoscopy may be indicated. Shoulder pain is likely referred from the throat, esophagus or lungs and all of these need to be evaluated. Hopefully not, but either way you should quit smoking and get evaluated asap.
Answered 12/11/2012
Fairly likely: The symptoms could all be caused by a cancer in the left upper lobe of the lung. Pain can come from irritation inside the chest cavity. Hoarseness can be caused by an effect on the nerve to the left vocal cord which passes nearby, and the breathlessness and cough can be caused by a portion of the lung that is not functioning normally. See your doctor asap. There are other possible explanations.
Answered 12/9/2013
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