Screening tool: Msi test has a few uses in colorectal cancer screening and surveillance. While only 15 percent of colorectal cancers are msi positive, as many as 90 percent of patients with lynch syndrome (specific genetic etiology for colorectal cancer) have a positive msi test. The test may also be helpful in determining those patients with stage ii or iii cancer who may benefit from chemotherapy.
Answered 6/20/2018
Microsatellite,,,: Msi stands for microsatellite instability. An msi test tests for this in samples of dna from cells. Microsatellites are nucleotide repeats, like ca repeats normally seen in dna, but only up to cerrtain lengths, and occur many times in the dna sequence. However, if these are longer or shorter, this is termed microsatellite instability, and is seen in cancerous cells, like colorectal cancer.
Answered 9/28/2016
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