When : When a child refuses to eat, it can be very anxiety provoking since one of our main jobs as a parent is to feed our kids. If he's still breast fed/ formula fed and has good weight gain, then you can take a deep breath and know that you have plenty of time to work this out! some kids are just not a fan of the mushy, slimy baby food we usually first offer on the path to solids. The good news is that your child is a great age to start finger foods! many kids (including my own) prefer being able to feed themselves and like the different textures finger foods provide. The main concern is to make sure the finger foods are soft enough and small enough not to be a choking hazard. A few ideas to try: - soft fruit such as bananas, peaches, or soft pears cut into tiny cubes (3-4mm) - soft, cooked vegetables cut into cubes such as carrots - mild cheese cut into tiny cubes - scrambled eggs (i even add a little frozen spinach into it to sneak in a green vegetable) - the melt-away cereal puffs or freeze-dried yogurt melts.
Answered 10/3/2016
Baby food: This is temporary . He may be teething and so refusing to eat. Also add variety and keep on trying . He will soon start again.
Answered 8/6/2014
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