A member asked:

Okay so my boyfriend just found out yesterday that he has mono and i've been kissing him before that. do i have mono too? he has strep and mono. he didn't know he had mono until last night.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Infectious : Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the epstein-barr virus (ebv) which is a member of the human herpes virus family (like chicken pox). Many people exposed to ebv do not develop infectious mononucleosis, but will have mild symptoms or no illness at all. In fact, 85%-90% of adults aged 40 show evidence of ebv infection at some point by having lasting antibodies detected with a blood test. There's a decent chance that you were already exposed to it as a little kid and are immune to it which is good. If you develop a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and/or fever, make sure you see your doctor so you can be tested for strep and mono.

Answered 7/1/2019



Hard to say: You likely did get strep, but the incubation period for mono is several weeks so time will tell. Like strep it is passed in saliva, so you were exposed. Many adults had mono as kids when it is usually not diagnosed specifically because it is mild & seldom differs from common viruses in its pattern.You can go see if you got strep & get treated.You can't do anything about the mono exposure.

Answered 6/20/2017



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