A member asked:

I have a rash in the crease of my buttocks abottom of bikini line. i fear it may be shingles. it has lasted months. i tried cortozone creams, jock itch cream, tripicol and alchohol. it itches really bad. if i scratch it gets worse. it is bumpy and sometim

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

This : This is unlikely shingles since the rash itself has lasted months. Perhaps it is a fungal infection or folliculitis or eczema or psoriasis? I would recommend you see a dermatologist and get an accurate diagnosis so you can start good treatment to help your symptoms. It is quite common to have these conditions in that location. I hope that helps a little.

Answered 3/19/2018


Dr. Thomas Inwood answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Rash: It could still be a fungal infection even though otc creams didn't work - that's why there are prescription meds. See your dermatologist for help

Answered 8/7/2017



Not shingles: Could be psoriasis or intertrigo or seborrheic dermatitis or other problem. Best to see a dermatologist.

Answered 7/7/2018



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