A member asked:

Is my thumb broken or are some nerves damaged? i play softball and everytime i hit a slash appears on my thumb and my webbed part of my hand. i had severly hurt it a year ago and my whole thumb was bruised and swollen. it has always been bigger than my ot

2 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Francisco Schwartz-Fernandes answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Another : Another you can and should take in consideration is a ligament injury. For a precise evaluation go talk to a hand surgeon. He or she may suggest a MRI which can help confirm the injury.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Francisco Schwartz-Fernandes answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

Another : Another diagnosis you can and should take in consideration is a ligament injury. For a precise evaluation go talk to a hand surgeon. He or she may suggest a MRI which can help confirm the injury.

Answered 3/16/2015


Dr. Barry Press answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

From : From your description, it could well have been broken when you hurt it a year ago. I think the first thing you should do is see a hand surgeon. You will probably need an x-ray and a good evaluation by the surgeon.

Answered 10/4/2016



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