A member asked:

Should my friend be concerned about accumulation of fluid in her eye after cataract surgery? she believes the fluid may result from eye drops she's taking. those are: bromday, predforte, and vigamox.

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Generally : Generally fluid in the eye, such as corneal or retinal swelling will resolve within days or weeks of the cataract surgery. Eyedrops such as Bromday and predforte are usually helpful.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

Fluid in eye: Your description sounds like your friend may be allergic to one of her drops or may have some irritation due to the drops. She needs to see her surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.

Answered 6/30/2019



Normal: This is most likely normal if the fluid is on the surface of the eye, and not in the eye. It should improve with time and when she finishes the drops. If there is fluid in the retina or cornea, then she needs to see the surgeon for treatment.

Answered 9/5/2013



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