A member asked:

I'm always tired. is there a way to figure out if i have sleep apnea without going to a sleep lab? i never feel rested when i get up in the mornings. on the weekends, i can happily nap for 2-4 hours at a time. my dad has sleep apnea and suggested that i m

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

If : If your neck is 40 cm or greater (use a tailor's cloth measuring tape) or if your lower jaw is small, there is a high chance that you have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea often has a genetic component so the fact that your dad has sleep apnea increases the likelihool that you do as well. If your dad has a CPAP machine, why don't you borrow it from him and try it out for a night or two (if he can get along without it).

Answered 10/3/2016



Non-refreshing : Non-refreshing sleep can be associated with sleep apnea. So can many other daytime symptoms and some health complications. It is an important medical condition to identify. The tendency to have sleep apnea can run in families. Testing for sleep apnea is not painful, as I am sure your father described. Some sleep specialists will consider home sleep testing, but these are not the right choice for every patient. I suggest that you see a specialist to talk about your options. The best thing for your health is to identify the cause of your tiredness so you can have the right treatment.

Answered 10/4/2016



Take home study: There are some great ways to screen for sleep apnea( more affordable too), find out from your dentist or look for a sleep dentist.

Answered 5/8/2013



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