A member asked:

How do i know if restylane (dermal fillers) is right for me?

6 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Consultation: Only through examination of the surface issues you have would an md be able to advise you as to whether Restylane (dermal fillers) or another product, or no filler at all might be indicated. For sagging and gravity problems a surgical lift might be indicated. For animation lines a neurotoxin might be needed.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. George Yang answered

Specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery

No perfect procedure: There are pro's and con's to every procedure. What is right for one person is not right for another person. Since I do not know what you are looking to have done with Restylane (dermal fillers) and your goal, it's impossible to say. Restylane (dermal fillers) is good for patients who don't mind repeat procedures. If they are afraid of a bad result, resty can be dissolved or will go away on its own. Many filler options available.

Answered 6/30/2014


Dr. Thomas Fiala answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

This depends: On both your expectation levels and the problem to be corrected, anatomically speaking. These can only be determined with an in-person consultation. Most people are quite pleased with injectable fillers, and if you don't like it, it can be "erased" with a hyaluronidase injection.

Answered 7/11/2013



Filler: restylane (dermal fillers) is a hyaluronic acid filler which can be injected into lines and too add volume for facial aesthetics. be sure to have your face evaluated by a board certified facial plastic surgeon.

Answered 11/27/2014



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Can i go tanning after getting Restylane (dermal fillers) injections?

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