A member asked:

Do thyroid disorders cause daily headaches and dizziness?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Thomas Benda, jr answered

Specializes in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

Not likely: But possible. Why do you ask? Thyroid disorders, generally hypothyroidism at age 68, can cause fatigue, lethargy, weight gain and a feeling of being cold when most are warm. Headache and dizziness would be down the list a ways, but can sometimes be sort of vague symptoms of a bigger problem. If the whole story fits, discuss with your primary care doctor. Simple blood tests will generally tell.

Answered 4/22/2013


Dr. Brijesh Chandwani answered

Specializes in Orofacial Pain

Typically not!: Typically thyroid disorders do not cause headaches but they have been reported. The risk is higher if your levels aren't optimum. Consult your pcp as they might have to re-evaluate.

Answered 10/6/2013



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