A member asked:

Have bad left foot due to bunion/awaiting surgery on it. now rt foot hurts, top of foot/2nd toe. related?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. James Henning answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Probably not: These issues are separate although they may be caused by similar walking, running or movement related problems from poorly fitting footwear. See a podiatrist.

Answered 9/13/2013


Dr. Thomas Heston answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Probably: It might be because of an altered gait. When one foot is hurting, you start putting more weight on the other foot, causing problems in the "healthy" foot.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Thomas Inwood answered

Specializes in Podiatry

Related: It is usually the result of splinting off the sore foot and now the 'good' foot starts hurting. Speak to your surgeon and he/she will explain it and reassure you. Good luck with surgery.

Answered 9/16/2013



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