A member asked:

Can anyone have a seizure for no reason? or do u have to have epilepsy, brain tumor/trama. etc? and do most people survive seizures?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Always a reason: We can't always uncover etiology but always some logical answer. Epilepsy means more than one seizure, and many people have but one seizure in their entire lives. There is a 60% chance of a second seizure in one year. Yes, virtually all people survive even multiple seizures, but if frequent spells, absolutely must treat to prevent harmful events.

Answered 11/1/2012



Seizure: Any number of things can lead to a seizure. Having a seizure does not imply epilepsy, but it is part of the diagnostic spectrum. Any seizure is a medical emergency and should be followed up immediately by a call to your doctor, and if the first time, with no diagnosis, to the emergency department. Most people, indeed, survive seizures.

Answered 1/13/2019



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