A member asked:

My son who is 1 month 1 week old. i hear sound while he breathe. is this weasing? we live in bangalore india. its winter now.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Noisy breathing: Many babies are born with laryngotracheomalacia. In this condition, the cartilage support of the airways has not completely developed and collapse slightly during respiration. This is the most common cause of noisy breathing other than snoring. Sometimes, a blocked nostril can make a wheezing noise. If your baby has problems with his breathing, he should be checked by ENT or pulmonologist.

Answered 6/10/2014


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Commonly occurs: If the sound is a high pitched sound during inspiration this could be due to laryngomalacia, which most children outgrow by the age of 18 months. It can worsen at around 4 months of age. Wheezing is also high pitched but more likely to occur upon exhalation. It is worsened often by cold air, mucus plugs and infections. Babies at this age breathe through their noses/nasal saline if needed.

Answered 10/16/2014



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