Knee replacement: Recovery is variable depending on the health of the patient. Time can span from 1-2 weeks to several months.
Answered 10/11/2018
Variable: Every patient will recover at their own pace after a total knee replacement. Your recovery will be influenced by multiple variables, including your pre-op condition, severity of your arthritis, stiffness of your knee, the type of surgical approach used, and your motivation and active participation in your recovery process. Some "elderly" patients are still very healthy and recovery quickly.
Answered 10/11/2018
Recovery time varies: Recover time will vary depending on many factors including age, general health of the patient, infection control, smoker or not, blood sugar control, the exact type of procedure, and post-operative and follow up care. Discuss it with your surgeon and get their opinion as to what they feel is a reasonable recovery time for you.
Answered 10/11/2018
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