A member asked:

Is it better to be safe than sorry, when one has a lung nodule 1.4 2.7 suv and get it removed or wait and perhaps cause more problems.surgery seems so?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Taj Jiva answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Solitary lung nodule: Surgical resection of lung nodule usually depends on size of the nodule, age of the patient (age more than 30), risk factors for malignancy like 20 pack years history of cigarettes smoking, other risk factors including severity of existing heart or lung disease etc. Depending on these risk factors a consultation by a thoracic surgeon can provides options like video assisted thoracoscopic removal.

Answered 10/28/2016


Dr. Nathaniel Evans III answered

Specializes in Surgery - Thoracic

It depends: It depends on the patients medical history, smoking history, whether or not the nodule has grown over time, and what exactly it looks like. The patient's peace of mind is a factor as well. If a patient feels strongly that he would like a lung nodule removed that should factor into the equation also.

Answered 6/9/2013



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