No: If you have no visual issues, it is not necessary to have surgery. Cataract surgery is an elective surgery and only needs to be done when vision improvement is desired. With a history of amd, vision may never improve to a "perfect vision" level even with cataract surgery.
Answered 3/20/2015
No: Cataract surgery is an elective procedure and should be performed only if there is visual impairment. Of note cataract surgery has been found to be safe in stable amd by the areds study (nih). New injectable drugs for amd have greatly improved the quality of life for patients who develop wet amd.
Answered 11/21/2013
No: If a patient has no visual complaints and is able to perform their normal activities of daily living without any difficulty, the cataract surgery is not indicated. A couple of caveats: if you don't pass driving requirements and still want to drive, you need surgery. Also, many elderly pts brought in by adult children have never complained of poor vision and cannot see the large e on the chart!
Answered 2/14/2013
No: When the surgery in the question is 'cataract surgery', then the is no urgency at all. This can be done at any time. If there is no blurred vision, then surgery is generally not recommended.
Answered 3/10/2013
You'll know: We assume you're talking about cat surgery. This is almost never an urgent issue. If the AMD is turning wet, treatment is of an urgent nature but not "surgical". If patients are not bothered by their Vision and the macular degeneration is mild and they can function normally, then cataract surgery can usually be deferred until they are ready.
Answered 8/2/2014
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