Children and adults: Human growth hormone (hgh) has for many years been fda approved for growth failure in children. More recently, it has been used "off label" as the fountain of youth for the rich and famous. Finally, about 10 years ago the fda approved the use of HGH in adults which show low levels on laboratory tests, usually a serum igf-1. Usage increases vitality, hair and skin condition, and has many benefits.
Answered 9/28/2016
HGH deficiency: Other than true hgh deficiency there are no proven safe reasons to use hgh.
Answered 12/11/2012
FDA approved: There are many approved uses of hgh for growing children outside of gh deficiency. Just for example some indications: turner's syndrome, prader willi syndrome, small for gestational age with failure to catch up, renal failure and growth failure, idiopathic small stature.
Answered 1/5/2014
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