A member asked:

How does human growth hormone affect you?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Pedro Hernandez answered

Specializes in Geriatrics

Hgh: It increases the size of all organs. It's important during puberty for the grow of the bones. Some pituitary benign tumors may produce excessive amount causing gigantism (starting during puberal years) or acromegaly during adulthood. Hgh is used nowadays as anti aging medicine. It it is expensive and in inyectable form. It is still considered controversial to use it for that by some physicians.

Answered 4/28/2014



Hgh: Think of hgh as the top of a mountain of hormones. It communicates, stimulates or suppresses most hormones directly or indirectly. Please read a lot before taking them.

Answered 4/28/2014



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