Healthy lifestyle: There are no shortcuts for weight management in patients with type 1 diabetes. It's always best to minimize low sugars (to avoid eating more to keep sugars up), eat healthy, exercise, and get quality sleep. Taking Insulin is vital in this process, though amount may need to be lowered if blood sugars become too tight or low during this process. Please discuss with your doctor.
Answered 10/4/2016
Adjust insulin: In general, if you are eating less, you need less insulin. But as a type 1, you need to be cautious about ketosis/ketoacidosis. You will probably need less short acting insulin with meals, and less long acting too. Your carb ratio may change. If you are using a pump, this can help. Best to do this under the guidance of an Endocrinologist who is experienced in this.
Answered 8/26/2018
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