A member asked:

I recently had a partial hysterectomy about 3 months ago and discovered last month that i have an ovarian cyst, does it need to be removed?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

OVARIAN CYST: Ovarian cyst are not usually removed if size is less than 2 cm. It depends if with associated sx like back or abdominal pain. The gyne will discuss with you.

Answered 10/23/2012


Dr. Katherine Sutherland answered

Specializes in Gynecology

No: Not unless it is causing bad symptoms or has features worrisome for cancer. Cancer is unlikely since your surgeon just looked at the ovary 3 mo ago. The cyst should be followed with periodic ultrasounds to make sure it resolves and does not develop worrisome features.

Answered 11/2/2015



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