A member asked:

What foods are proven to be effective in cancer prevention?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

None: Epidemiological evidence suggests that diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains; free of preservatives, low in saturated fats and devoid of tobacco and alcohol may reduce the incidence of cancer. No specific food has been shown to conclusively prevent cancer.

Answered 7/5/2014



Eat 2 Beat CA, Pt.2: NUTS: Did you know that eating 2.4 ounces of nuts daily can lower bad cholesterol by 7.4%? According to a recent Harvard study, a handful of nuts a day helps ward off deaths from both heart disease & cancer. "People who ate a serving of nuts five or more times a week saw an 11% reduction in deaths due to cancer," says Ying Bao, and epidemiologist who led the study. (Ref: AARP, 5/2014)

Answered 7/12/2014



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