A member asked:

My 10 year old daughter was diagnosed with the flu. she started tamiflu (oseltamivir). how do we prevent the rest of us getting the flu? tamiflu (oseltamivir)? no flu shots givn

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tamiflu (oseltamivir): Tamiflu (oseltamivir) is used to treat influenza A and/or B in people who have had flu symptoms for 2 days or less. It can also be used as prophylaxis (prevention) for people who have a close contact who is positive for the flu. Good handwashing techniques can also hep prevent spread to family members.

Answered 1/2/2015


Dr. Jeffrey Levine answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Hand washing: You can ask your Dr to prescribe Prophylactic dose of Tamiflu (oseltamivir) for any family members >1yr old. Good Hand washing with soap and water or antibacterial gels is another effective way to reduce transmission of respiratory infections. Covering your mouth when you cough also helps. It is not too late to get a flu shot. Take Care.

Answered 1/2/2015



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