A member asked:

Woke up this morning having diarrhea and it's black and a lot of it, also have a sharp pain in my stomach?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Get to ED right away: Stomach pain with black stools means bleeding gastric ulcer until proven otherwise. You must get medical attention right away. There is no telling how much blood you could lose, and sometimes the bleeding won't stop unless a physician intervenes to stop it. Run, don't walk!

Answered 2/19/2015


Dr. David Lipkin answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

See below: Pepto-Bismol can turn stools blackish in color. But if you haven't taken this black stools indicate acute bleeding from the stomach area> in this case you need to go to the emergency room urgently.

Answered 2/19/2015



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