A member asked:

I have 3 ovarian cysts, one on tube. have fluid in pelvis. getting us in a few weeks. now abnormal pap. getting colposcopy. should i be worried?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Don't worry, but: whoa! Ovarian cysts aren't on tubes so you either have 2 ovarian cysts and one tubal (?), or 3 ovarian cysts. This is not to worry about by itself. Fluid in the pelvis? All people have small fluid, and all women have fluid around ovulation and around menstruation. Fluid doesn't automatically mean problems. Bad Pap goes with colposcopy but not the other issues. Your doc can clarify more. Best!

Answered 12/12/2014



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