A member asked:

Dr treatin a pt 4 long t chronic pain the only way it can b treated is long term opiates,that had em on 10yrs,can dr quit prescrib,no wrong doin by pt?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

They may stop: At this time, there is an environment of pressure against doctors writing for controlled substances especially opiate drugs for pain. Hard to know exactly what's at the center of this push by the DEA but suffice it to say that many doctors nationwide as a result are giving up the practice of prescribing controlled substances. Talk to the doctor about transferring you to a pain medicine specialist.

Answered 11/16/2014


Dr. Stephen Southard answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Usually: If true no wrong doing has been done, a physician must organize a referral to a pain specialist who will take over prescribing responsibilities or offer a taper off of opiates, prior to completely stopping opioid prescribing. No one can force a physician to continue to prescribe opioids for any prolonged period.

Answered 12/4/2014



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