Depends…: Seek consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons who can demonstrate significant experience achieving the types of outcomes you would be pleased with. What type of breast operation will best achieve your goals will depend largely on your physical examination and personal goals. If you are presenting with breasts that are sitting low on your chest wall, mastopexy surgery may be indicated.
Answered 12/13/2021
Maybe: A mastopexy or breast lift is needed when the breast and nipple are in a more ptotic (or saggy) position. That is seperate than a breast augmentation which adds volume. The 2 surgeries can be combined in many patients. You would need an exam and consultation with a plastic surgeon to know what is right for you.
Answered 12/13/2021
It is possible to undergo a breast lift together with your augmentation surgery. This would ultimately depend on your board-certified plastic surgeon’s assessment of the amount of sagging experienced at the time of the initial consultation. Surgeons will customize the procedure to meet your individual needs.
Answered 12/13/2021
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