Depends: Every mammogram contains shadows, since shadows are created by normal breast tissue. They are also created by benign conditions as well as by cancer. The variation in the radiographic findings give information to the radiologist to suggest the likely cause.
Answered 7/16/2020
Mammogram: A shadow doesn't absolutely mean or suggest cancer. The radiologist is trained to pick up subtle variations seen on mammogram and will suggest biopsy if the area is concerning enough. Speak with your doctor as well as the radiologist and see what they suggest.
Answered 12/12/2018
Not at all: There are many noncancerous things that can cause "shadows" to be seen on a mammogram. Usually a "shadow" requires further views to make sure, though, that it isn't a more concerning lesion.
Answered 1/26/2019
No.: There are a lot of normal "shadows" that can potentially be seen on mammography. What does the mammo report say?
Answered 6/19/2018
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