A member asked:

I just had a mammogram and they said there no cancer but the breast density; predominantly fatty. what does this mean?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Confusing: Dense breasts can make it hard to find cancer on mammogram. There is reason to think that people who have dense breasts should have mris instead. Fatty breasts, however, are not dense, and are easily imaged on mammogram.

Answered 12/30/2013


Dr. Michael Gabor answered

Specializes in Diagnostic Radiology

This is standard: ACR breast density nomenclature. "Predominantly fatty" is Breast Density category A. Radiologists classify breast density into one of 4 categories, A through D, in order of increasing density. So your breasts are mostly(at least 75%) normal fatty tissue, with a less than 25% dense fibroglandular component. You do not have dense breasts, you have the opposite.

Answered 7/16/2014



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