A member asked:

Hit head getting out of car last night. i hit the back/top kinda hard. tender to touch and some headache. should i go to doctor? brain bleeding?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Eric Weisman answered

Specializes in Neurology

You must have hit: your head pretty hard Jonathan if it still hurts. Brain bleeding is unlikely (as is pregnancy which you list next to your gender (male). Sometimes people injury their neck, scalp and the tissues between the skull and scalp. If you have dizziness, change in sleep, attention, speech, vision or other neurological symptom. by all means go get checked out.

Answered 11/2/2020


Dr. Yelena Kipervas answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Monitor: It's could be just a bruise. Put a nice pack on the area. Need to see a doc if u loss concieousness with that. If not go to ER if headache getting worce.

Answered 3/6/2018



Head trauma: Unlike that you suffered a concussion or brain bleeding. If you develop a headache that doesn't resolve with acetaminophen or ibuprofen or if dizziness or nausea develops then see a doctor.

Answered 2/13/2019



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