A member asked:

I have braces on lower teeth and they hurt when i drink cold drinks and tighten also have a bone coming out of my gums?

6 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Metal conducts cold;: If your braces are made of a metal, metal conducts cold, and therefore it is a normal reaction for you to feel the cold in your gums relative to to the braces. It might be possible for you to convert to braces made of plastic which will not conduct the cold: your dentist would be able to give you details regarding that possibility. Bone in your gums may be a root of a tooth. An exam would help

Answered 5/19/2016


Dr. Carrie Cannon answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Sensitive teeth.: Use Sensodyne toothpaste or similar type for sensitive teeth. Avoid cold drinks. Biotene rinse is also a good idea for healthy gums and teeth. Is the bone actually the root of a tooth? Sometimes it looks like that when a patient has recessed gums. See your dentist regularly every 6 months for checkups and cleanings.

Answered 7/3/2017


Dr. Robert Mokbel answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Normal! May be: Some sensitivity with cold and after adjustment is normal, if the cold sensitivity is extreme and it last more then a second or so them you need to talk to your dentist. About the bone coming out of your gums, I think your dentist knows more about it then anyone out here, ask him and have him show you on the X-rays, it may be a tooth trying to come out or a remanent of a deciduous tooth. Take care

Answered 2/18/2015



Bone?: Call your Orthodontic Specialist or your General Dentist for immediate evaluation. As to cold induced soreness, that's not unusual. It's a sign of healing. Talk to your Orthodontist about discomfort during your Orthodontic treatment.

Answered 8/18/2014



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