A member asked:

Am 19 and 56kg i had recurrent acute pancreatitis from 3months taking supplement tablets doc said to increase weight by 2kg in 4wks else he do surgery?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Malabsorption: With pancreatic insufficiency certain nutrients, especially fats, are poorly absorbed and patients have difficulty gaining weight. With those supplements you are taking, hopefully you will absorb calories enough to gain weight. I don't know what type of surgery your surgeon is proposing but if you're uncertain of his/her advice, obtain a second opinion from a pancreatic surgeon.

Answered 8/16/2014


Dr. Carrie Cannon answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Wt loss pancreatits: If you are tall, your weight loss from recurrent pancreatits is even more worrisome. Apparently he wants you to put on about 5 pounds in two weeks. Are you eating high-calorie low fat nutritious food? Try Ensure or Boost both at the grocery store. Frequent small meals are best. Creon tablets? Gallstone related? http://www.digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/pancreatitis/

Answered 8/16/2014



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