A member asked:

Tick bite continue to itch 4 mos after bite...took doxycillin immed after bite "just in case." no other symptoms, no evid of tick borne illnesses or cellulitis. piece of tick still under the skin?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

See Dr.: The piece of the tic still under the skin is a foreign body to your skin and the itching is the body recognizing that. See the dr. who can steriley remove the tic remnants and cure your woes. Good luck.

Answered 7/24/2018


Dr. Jeff McFadden answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Good question.: No risk for tick borne illness here. Is there any type of rash at the wound site? An embedded part of the tick would fester a little under the skin and may become a little red and painful until the skin pushes it out or it's broken down. If you have been washing it over and over or scratching it I'd say eczema, neurodermatitis or scabies it possible without any other rash or lesions. See doc.

Answered 8/13/2018



Tick Bite: You could have tick mouth parts still in your skin. See your local dermatologist and get a punch biopsy around the tick bite.

Answered 7/24/2018



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