A member asked:

Want to loose weight but not to much to fast. how much is a healthy amount to loose in a month? want to loose 60pounds but don't know how

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Losing about: 2 pounds a week is a very realistic goal . Lifestyle changes of eating much less and healthy with lots of fruits and be vies, preferably fresh, limiting need and pork, limiting grains but eating healthy grains. And starting an exercise program that you will stick to that includes both some aerobics and some weights. Good for you. Keep your goals in sight and give yourself rewards as you attain

Answered 7/19/2014


Dr. Sharonda Alston Taylor answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Slow and steady: Generally 10 pounds a month is reasonable. Weight loss may be faster in the beginning because of fluid changes. Without physician supervision, going faster can lead to problems that can damage your health.

Answered 7/19/2014


Dr. Liesa Harte answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Obesity: 60 pounds is a lot of weight to lose, and you are right to want to do it in a healthy way. You should be evaluated by a doctor to see if you have insulin resistance, low thyroid function, or anything else that could make it harder to lose weight. Remember that the best approach to weight loss will use a combination of low glycemic nutrition, exercise, mindset, and stress reduction.

Answered 7/23/2014



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