A member asked:

Shoulder pain, temo loss of use, rest and antiimflammatories help. doc said depressed scapula,meds helped for week pain came back, dr wont do mri help?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Need to discuss with: your physician and follow the doctor's recommendations. If you are not satisfied, seek another opinion from a primary doctor or an orthopedist.

Answered 7/12/2014


Dr. Natalie Sieb answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Consider PT: If anything, I might encourage your doc to send you to physical therapy if he/she really thinks it's due to a depressed scapula. PT can help you learn exercises to strengthen your back and shoulder muscles and hopefully eventually eliminate your pain altogether. If there isn't any indication on the exam that you could have a tear or other major abnormality then an MRI may not be necessary.

Answered 9/28/2016



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