A member asked:

I got sciatica can it also affect my neck sometimes my neck will hurt and it affects me lifting my left arm is that also apart of sciatica?

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Neck pain: Yes. Neck pain that radiates down the arm is similar to back pain that radiates down the leg. Both are caused by a pinched nerve root. The cause is usually a herniated disc and/or a bone spur. Physical therapy, cervical traction, cortisone injections, and neuropathic pain medicine can relieve the pain. If these conservative measures fail to eliminate the pain, then surgery may be necessary.

Answered 2/4/2017


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Likely Your Neck: Is the Issue. Sciatica is a term defining back and leg pain only. Typically either side of neck and head are provided sensation by nerves that supply them exiting out of the neck and head. Muscles also lying in that area may be the issue as well. If there is a history of neck pain that should be evaluated since there could be arthritis, nerve impingement or herniated disks involved.

Answered 5/20/2015



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