A member asked:

What causes pain in the left shoulder? i have pain that starts under my left arm and moves over the front of my shoulder to my neck area. it is not constant. it comes and goes.it will hurt for a short time and a long time. this has been going on for a few

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James McClurg answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Shoulder : Shoulder and neck problems are not always easy to separate. The shoulder is "strapped" to the chest wall by shoulder girdle muscles. The muscles that control the shoulder on the back have their origin in the spinous process of the cervical and thoracic regions. Shoulder problems may look like neck problems. The reverse of this is an impingement of the C5 nerve root that can give you shoulder pain. To make it a little more interesting you may find overlapping pathologies on both areas creating the problems. You need to have this evaluated by an orthopedist.

Answered 10/3/2016



Sounds : Sounds like you've taken a reasonable approach till now, but the time has come for you to see an orthopedist. It's not at all uncommon for neck and shoulder symptoms to intersect. A good history and exam along with appropriate x-rays and possibly nerve testing and MRI will give an answer in a majority of cases and then you can be appropriately treated. Best of luck.

Answered 10/4/2016



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