A member asked:

Period slight irregular.multiple small cysts on ovaries. day 21: progesterone 6.25nmol/l, lh 19.72miu/ml, fsh 7.45miu/ml, prolactin 133.13 mu/l. pcos?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Maybe: The data you provide don't give an absolute answer. "Multiple small cysts" sounds consistent with PCOS but without an image it might not. A Progesterone of 6+ only indicates that you ovulated. FSH and LH are not part of the diagnosis, nor is an FSH/LH ratio. Prolactin also is not part of PCOS diagnosis, but at 133 your is way too high, be certain to test it again fasting.

Answered 6/30/2014



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