A member asked:

How long can the hepatitis b virus live outside the body?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Hepatitis B VIRUS: Hepatitis b virus can not live outside the body.It is tranmitted either by sharing needles incase of drug addicts or by body fluids and in old days before blood was tested for hep b, people contacted it by blood transfusion, these days all blood is screened for the virus.You can also get it by sexual intercourse.

Answered 5/1/2012


Dr. Jay Park answered

1 week or longer: Hepatitis b virus can survive in the environment for 1 week or longer but is inactivated by disinfectants including household bleach.

Answered 6/1/2012



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A member asked:

How long does the hepatitis a virus survive outside the body?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers