A member asked:

I have a huge sore bump on my private area. very red very sore popped up in last couple of days. could it be a zit or a sign of an std?

9 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
Dr. Ryan Phasouk answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Difficult: Your question is difficult to answer in this forum without having actual visualization of the lesion. I suggest it is best to follow up with a doctor who can better assess the situation. All the best!

Answered 3/11/2014



Need to see: Without being able to examine this there is no way to know what it is. Show this to your family doctor or to a gyn and have them diagnose accurately. Good luck.

Answered 3/11/2014


Dr. James Burns answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Could be: A number of things from follicular infection, to hsv. I would recommend an exam by your doctor or gynecologist as soon as you can especially if you have reason to believe it is an std in which case abstain from sexual contact until seen and treated as appropriate.

Answered 3/11/2014


Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Bump in privates: The "bump" that is sore and red, may be an infected pimple, boil, abscess, infected hair follicle, etc. It needs to be looked at and only lab work or testing would determine if it is sexually related. Best to get the area looked at and diagnosed by a trained health care professional. Best wishes to you.

Answered 3/11/2014


Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Probably just a: Zit. It should get better now that it has popped. Soak it with hot compresses. If it does not get better after that you will need to seek care. If it spreads you will need to seek care too.

Answered 10/4/2016



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