A member asked:

Today my new dr (one visit) called that i have hashimotos after bloodtest, i've been treated for just low thyroid for four years. with this new diagnosis would it be wise to see an endocrinologist.

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Elise Sadoun answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Not necessary: Your doctor should be able to handle the hashimoto's. It is an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid, and unfortunately you can't really do anything about it. You are already on thyroid medication. Ask your doctor if he/she feels you need to be referred. If not, no need for referral. Good luck.

Answered 2/3/2014



Hashimotos disease: The diagnosis of hashimotos disease is the commonest cause of hypothyroidism. You have been treated for the past four years with Armour Thyroid which is appropriate treatment for hashimotos disease., but your recent test probably show that the thyroid problem has worsened and that you need a higher dose of thyroid armour. This is a autoimmune disease, and you should be closely monitored.

Answered 4/4/2016



No Need if Controlle: Hashimotos disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid gland.This causes inflammation in the thyroid gland and leads to hypothyroid(low) status and needs to be treated with thyroid replacement therapy which you are being treated for as long as your thyroid tests for ths, total t4, t3 (liothyronine) are normal you may continue the armour thyroid. Diagnosis of hashimoto will not effect rx.

Answered 4/22/2016


Dr. Hashmat Rajput answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Hashimoto: Your new doctor should be able to manage. Hashimoto is autoimmune disease. Watch out for lupus, arthritis or diabetes. Make sure you don't have any one of them. Also look for your cholesterol and CAD in future. Maintain your TSH in therapeutic level by levothyroxine. You can see endocrinologist for your satisfaction. You would need a general md to take care of all your medical problems in future.

Answered 6/10/2014



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