A member asked:

Low t4, low t3, normal tsh (2.5) diffusely heterogeneous echo texture of the thyroid. thyroid is enlarged. family history of hashimotos. doctor wants to do more labs in 3 months but is not an endocrinologist, should i be seen by an endocrinologist?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Waiting for three months to repeat the test is appropriate. Your doctor will advise you if consultation with an endocrinologist is warranted.

Answered 4/6/2022


Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Low T3, T4 and normal TSH imply problem with pituitary gland. You need a repeated blood test to confirm these levels and if there is no change, you need an CT or MRI of the brain. I wonder if you have any symptoms or manifestations of thyroid or gonadal disorder.

Answered 4/6/2022



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