Unpredictable: There is no certain way of knowing the cause of such a nodule that has grown in size. It is still more likely to be an active granuloma(infection, like fungus or tb) than a cancer. Either way it needs to be biopsied or removed surgically depending on the clinical picture and the location of the nodule.That is the only way to know if it is benign or malignant. Do let me know what happens next!
Answered 1/25/2014
No: A lung "nodule" is a term for small abnormalities seen on xray and ct scans. Most are found to be non-cancer. If larger, 2.5 - 3cm or bigger, call it a "mass". All lung nodules and masses should be evaluated and followed by referral to a comprehensive thoracic surgical cancer program. Integration into a comprehensive program saves lives and decreases unnecessary morbidity.
Answered 8/18/2018
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