Any if they grow: Lung nodules that are less than 5mm in size are not highly suspicious for cancer, but they should be followed over time. Any lung nodule that grows over time is suspicious and requires biopsy or removal. A radiologist knows which features of lung nodules make them suspicious for cancer. If they are not clearly concerning for cancer, the doctor will order repeated imaging to compare over time.
Answered 10/28/2018
Presence: The presence of any nodule is of concern specially if not calcified specially in a smoker or someone that quit smoking within the last 10 years, a nodule that grows within 3 months. 5year survival for stage1non small cell lung cancer surgical resection is about 70%, for stage2nsclc about 30-35%. Stage 2 mass greater than 3cm or less than 3cm with metastasis to regional lymph node.Lowdosect.
Answered 3/16/2018
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