A member asked:

Is it safe ( why) to take four 500mg amoxicillin tablets 1 hour before dental extraction/ implant appoint then 1 tablet 4 times per day for 10 days.

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Daniel Rubenstein answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Amoxicillin: Four 500 mg tablets one hour before a dental appointment is standard pre-medication for specific medical problems, and is also used as a loading dose to combat infection. The remainder over 10 days is used to maintain a therapeutic level until tje infection has resolved.

Answered 12/15/2017


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

It's safe..: ... Because it is a very low dose. Ask your surgeon regarding the rationale behind prescribing the antibiotics.

Answered 7/29/2019



Amoxicillin: Think of it this way, 100+ yrs ago physicians started washing hands before childbirth and infant and mother mortality rates dropped,. As a diabetic , though controlled you dont heal as well. If grafting is involved, it adds another layer of potential issues. From a dosing perspective think of it being like for a bad sinus infection...

Answered 5/13/2018



Yes, it is safe: Taking four 500 mg Amoxicillin tablets is a recognized therapeutic regimen for certain pre-existing conditions to help prevent an infection. Indications for antibiotics after the extraction/implant may be dependent upon the presence of an infection prior to the procedure and any medical problems you may have.

Answered 8/2/2016



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