A member asked:

I found an article online that says acid reflux drugs (especially ppi's) can cause dementia and neuropathy because it reduces vit b12. is this true?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

May reduce B12: Medications that reduce acid production in the stomach may reduce our absorption of vitamins because we don't digest food as well. Some people also naturally don't absorb B12 well, so it may be low for other reasons. Low vitamin B12 can cause reversible neuropathy and memory loss. Luckily vitamin b 12 levels can be checked by blood tests and easily replaced by pills or shots if deficient.

Answered 3/6/2017



Yes: Yes. If someone is on a ppi long enough and their B12 levels are not checked, then it is possible for them to develop dementia and neuropathy. We know that low B12 levels can cause both of these conditions. The setting however would typically be elderly in a nursing home. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18294598 concomitant oral B12 supplementation slowed but did not prevent the decline in B12 status.

Answered 4/21/2017



Huh. What?: Where did you read that? It's true that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause both of these conditions, but PPI medicines? Normally the deficiency occurs in the setting of malnutrition.

Answered 3/6/2017



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