A member asked:

Is it possible for me to do the hcg diet while on progesterone and testosterone?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Yes & no: hCG diet is not recommend by most physicians anymore so while you can do it, we don't advise it. You didn't mention your gender, but since you mention both Progesterone & Testosterone, I'm guessing that you're female. Regardless, you should address this w/your prescribing physician so that s/he knows everything that you're doing and can look for potential drug-drug interactions. Good luck!

Answered 6/30/2014


Dr. Kevin Carr answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Not recommended: Progesterone is thought to counter the effects of HCG (making it more difficult to curb appetite and lose weight). Also, if you are a male, HCG increases testosterone levels (you may be getting too much testosterone if you are taking it as an additional supplement).

Answered 7/31/2014



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